Crave (Forbidden Series Book #1) Read online
Page 14
“No, I don’t want money. I’ve got what I need to get by, my trust fund which my mother set up for me when I was born has been a nest egg for me. Nothing from that place is mine, it should be divided between the women we freed.” He regards me quietly and then nods in understanding.
“We’ll need you to stay behind to fill out paperwork and you’ll be called in about a month to appear in court. We haven’t set a date just yet, but once it’s finalized you’ll be contacted. Please do not leave the country.” He places a thick document and pen in front of me. “You’ll need to sign this. Read through it and make sure you understand what’s required of you.” They both push up and head to the door.
“Thank you,” I respond and then I’m alone with my thoughts. Once I sign this, there’s only one place I’m going. To see my woman and my child.
The need to hold her has been sheer torture for me. I’ve missed her in ways I can’t myself fathom. Opening the contract, I read through the pages and as I initial them, signing away my rights to anything in that house, I realize how much freedom I’m allowing myself, and the girls.
I wish it didn’t take so long for him to trust me. I could have been with Angel sooner than this. Now that the time has come, I’m afraid she won’t want me anymore. But she doesn’t have a choice. I won’t take no for an answer.
Just like all the times we were together. When she submitted to me. She dropped to her knees and relented to my commands, and this time will be no different.
“Angel, you’re beautiful,” I murmur in her ear, causing a slow tremble to trail down her body. Her skin smells like honey, or perhaps sunlight. “Do you like being trussed up as my little plaything?” I question and she nods. The soft mumble of her voice is stifled by the ball gag in her mouth.
She’s wearing my collar, my gag, and she’s bound to the large X of my St. Andrew’s cross. Her inquisitive nature brought her here and now she’s at my mercy. However, that sassy little mouth of hers hasn’t earned her leniency, it has, however, earned her an afternoon of delightful torture by my hand.
Lifting the soft leather whip I know she loves so much, I raise it and bring it down on the smooth skin of her creamy thighs. A small red welt rises and I continue her punishment with another swat to her other thigh. Her body craves it and I in turn ache to give it. We may not be an average couple, but the love I have for this woman is unparalleled to anything I’ve ever felt.
My heart beats for hers. Our souls are entwined as one. “Did you like answering me so rudely before?” I question, dragging my gaze lazily up her thighs, stopping at her pussy, and then continuing the leisurely trail to her face. She shakes her head and moves her mouth, the pink gag between her lips is dripping with saliva and the glistening tears that stream down her face make her more beautiful than anything I’ve ever laid my eyes on.
Stalking toward her, I grip her chin and lift her head so our eyes are locked. Big green pools pierce me, searing my heart and soul in the process. This sweet, innocent girl has embedded herself into my life, but most of all she’s opened my eyes to something more… Something that I could never have begun to understand because of the life I grew up in.
She’s given me love.
She’s showed me light.
She’s taken the heartless monster and turned him into a man.
My body quakes with a sudden need to connect us, to be inside her and absorb her innocence and goodness. I’ve been cold all my life, but she’s bathed me in warmth.
Reaching around, I undo the strap and the pink ball falls from her mouth. “I lo—” I press a finger to her lips to silence the words I ache to hear. This isn’t the place for such beautiful sentiments. This dungeon we’re in is for the dirty, the dark, and the filthy.
“Not tonight, Angel. I need to fuck you raw. I need to make your body ache. Every inch of you will feel me.” With one hand on my slacks, I unzip them and push them down. My cock jumps free, solid and ready to drive into her.
I kneel, undoing the ankle cuffs and when I rise again, I lift both her thighs so they wrap around my waist. Her tight heat is wet. She’s drenched for me. Ready to take me inside.
A swift roll of my hips and I’m buried balls deep inside the woman who holds my heart. I may be her Master, but she’s the one who owns me. I pull out and drive back in, deeper than before. Her body is molded to me, tightening and squeezing. The sweet honey that drips down my cock is all the evidence I need of how much this woman craves me.
“Fuck me, Sam, please.” Her hoarse whisper unravels me, awakens my inner wolf.
Echoes of her cries and moans bounce off the walls in a symphony of erotic sounds, a sensual song of our bodies uniting, burning, and scorching each other as we climb up the hill to bliss. To the abyss that only we know.
“Come for me, my pet. Wet my dick with that sweet cum. Drench me. Mark me like I’m going to mark you,” I growl into her ear and she does. Her mouth finds purchase on my neck and her teeth pierce the skin as I do the same.
Her crimson life force floods my mouth as mine does hers and I know in that moment, we’re both well and truly fucked.
We’ll both be walking into hell.
Side by side.
The reaper and his mate.
The angel and her devil.
Shaking my head of the memory, I glance around and push the contract away. Every page is signed. All that’s left is for me to find her and make her mine once and for all.
To see my little girl and hold her in my arms. My own flesh and blood. Rising, I fasten the buttons of my suit jacket and head toward the large steel door. Pulling it open, I find the hallway bustling with agents. “All set?” Detective Briggs appears at my left.
“Everything is signed. You don’t need me for anything else do you? I have somewhere I need to be.” He proffers his hand and shakes his head.
“No, we’ll let you know about the court date. Other than that you’re a free man, Mr. Wolfe.” I allow the words to wash over me. I’m free.
“Thank you.” As I make my way out of the building and head to my car, my phone buzzes. Pulling it from my jacket pocket, I swipe my finger over the screen and greet my sister. “I’m free.” Two words that will mean more to her than anything else I have to say.
“Thank God.” Her relief is palpable. “She’s at home.”
That’s all I needed.
“Alone or is Axel with her?”
“Don’t make me slap you across the head. She’s in love with you, not Axel. So stop acting like a spoiled brat and go get your girl.”
She’s the only person, besides Angel, that I’ll allow to speak to me like that. Slipping into my driver’s seat, I start the engine and when it purrs to life, I feel the calm take over me. I’m about to see Angel and needless to say, I’m nervous.
A grown man scared to look into the eyes of a girl. Although, she’s not a girl any more. She’s the mother of my child and the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.
Pulling out into traffic, I head down toward the place where my heart has been safely stowed away for so long. The drive isn’t long, and when I arrive, I park outside and sit back, watching for signs of life in the house.
Everything is quiet until my phone buzzes again. I pull it from my pocket and see Theia’s name. Sliding my finger along the screen, I answer, “What’s up, pup?”
“Are you just going to sit there in the car?” Her incredulous tone comes through the line and I turn to find a black town car parked not far from where I am.
“What the fuck, Theia, are you following me?”
“I was checking on you. Go after her you big lump.”
“You think she wants me banging down her door right now?”
“Of course! She loves you. Any woman would want the man they love to fight for her. Stop being so fucking stubborn, Samael Wolfe. You’re a free man, you’ve wanted that woman for six years, and now is your chance to be not only her husband but a father to your daughter.” My sister has this anno
ying way of always being right. As much as I’d like to sit here and fight her on this and come up with reasons why I shouldn’t go after Angel, I don’t. I undo my seatbelt and open the car door.
“Fine. Now stop following me, I’m going.” I hang up before she can respond and slide out of the driver’s seat. This is the house I set up for her.
When I broke her out of the club, I bought a house so I knew she’d always be safe from prying eyes. Now that my father is dead and everything has been shut down, I can finally live my life. I’ve missed my younger years, but nothing will stop me from making the most out of the second chance I’ve been given.
She is mine now.
She always has been.
It’s time for me to man up.
I lock the car and head to the door. I’ve never been so nervous before. I feel like a damn teenager. At the light blue door, I push the buzzer and wait with my heart thudding painfully against my ribs.
As soon as the door swings open I come face to face with her big green eyes.
The slave I trained.
The submissive I crave.
And the woman I love.
We stare at each other for so long I feel as if it’s a dream. That I’m not really here, and she’s going to vanish as soon as I blink. But when I finally do and my eyes open again, she’s still standing before me. Her beauty magnified. I’m certain she’s gotten more gorgeous since the last time I saw her.
“I guess I should invite you in.” She offers a small smile, one that doesn’t reach her eyes. Even though I’ve been around her many times before, this is the first time all threats are gone, and it’s just her and me.
We’re stepping on unchartered territory.
“Thank you.” I step over the threshold, and the smell of food hits my nostrils immediately. “Am I interrupting?” She shakes her head and blonde waves tumble back and forth, making her look nineteen again.
“Let’s sit. I’m just finishing up dinner. Layla will be home in an hour.” Her words slam me like a punch to the gut, and I meet her gaze. “Our daughter,” she says matter-of-factly. Even after all this time apart, the need to punish her for being bratty warms my blood.
“Just because I haven’t spanked you in a long time, doesn’t mean I don’t still want to. Don’t doubt that I’ll take you across my knee right now.” My threat hovers between us, taunting her and the visible tremble that shoots through her is evidence that she’s still mine.
“Samael, you cannot come in here and do this. I’ve waited. I’m still waiting. But enough is enough, you need—”
Stalking to her, my hand grips her throat, and I walk her backward till she’s flush with the wall. Her breath catches in her throat. “Is this enough for you? This is what you missed, isn’t it? Do you want me to treat you like my slave? Or do you want to hash out our shit before I fuck you?” I lean in so our lips are inches apart. Her sweet breaths are shallow, and I know she’s struggling.
“Fine.” One word and I release her. “You’re such a—” Before she can finish her sentence, I pin her with a warning stare and she nods, pointing at the table. “Sit over there. I need a drink.” She’s almost lost her training. I’ll have to remedy that as soon as I’ve got her bound. When she returns, her eyes are trained on the floor. “I brought you some water.”
She places the glass on the table and settles in the seat opposite me. Her gaze hasn’t left her bare feet and I glance down. Her toes are painted with bright pink polish which offsets her creamy skin.
“This is what we’ve become, Angel.” I reach over. My index finger lifts her chin, so that her beautiful gaze meets mine.
I stare into deep green pools.
In them I find myself.
I find my heart and soul.
I take the rest of her in and fully study the woman she’s become. My hungry gaze trails over her, and I feel as if I’ve been kicked in the gut. I wish I was. Perhaps it would hurt less knowing I hadn’t… couldn’t be with her for so long.
Her body is beautiful even after child birth. Her long blonde hair is loose down her back in messy waves and she’s glowing. Positively exquisite in every sense of the word.
“We’ve always been this, Sam. You just didn’t want to admit it. All these years I waited with baited breath, but I didn’t give up. I couldn’t let you go, but I also couldn’t tell you the words.” I nod slowly as I regard the woman who’s held my heart for so long, I can’t remember a time she wasn’t embedded inside me.
“I knew, Angel. I’ve always seen into your heart.” The confession tumbles from my mouth unbidden. My chest hurts as I watch her, she’s changed so much, but still there are parts of my Angel, bits of my submissive, my slave. I’ve missed so much.
“You have, as I’ve seen into yours. Samael, I’ve always been able to see your soul. Your demons, your darkness, it was the only thing I knew would help me make it through. You know why?” She pushes up from the chair, but doesn’t wait for me to respond. “Because I needed you and what you offered. When you hurt me, I knew it wasn’t because—”
“It was,” I croak, and when I drag my eyes to hers, I see the resignation in them. “I did want to. I loved your tears and the way you screamed my name. Begging me, pleading with me. And when you gave me what I wanted, then I gave you pleasure. I made you come over and over again. And every moment with you was me satiating my hunger, my addiction. You’re my vice, Angel.” Conviction laces my tone like a thick malt whiskey, burning its way down my throat.
She places both hands on the table and leans in. I expect her to spit in my face or slap me, anything to make the guilt go away but what she does tell me tilts my whole fucking world on it’s axis. “Samael, I know. There’ve been moments being away from you that I’ve questioned myself, wondering how on earth I’d come to fall in love with my captor, my tormentor, but I realized it wasn’t you. That was your father, he was the one who bought me, you were my savior. My dark angel. The other girls used to talk about how you snuffed out the souls of your pets, but with me, you only made me burn brighter than I ever have before.” She stops to take a deep breath and her chest rises and falls along with it.
She places a finger to my lips and I’m tempted to flick my tongue out to taste her, but I refrain, for now. “The day you took my virginity was the day you owned me. The more I looked into your eyes, I found not the Grim Reaper, but the man hidden under all those layers. All those days and nights we spent together you didn’t even notice the change in you, but I did. Things between us shifted, something more tangible than Master and slave happened. We fell in love, Samael. You claim to know me so well. Do you even realize every time you whipped me, my screams weren’t of pain, but of pleasure?”
I can’t find words to respond, to give her what she wants. Love was never in my plan and then this innocent girl stumbled into my life and now as I regard her, I know she’s right. When I don’t answer, she spins on her heel and stalks toward the hallway. I’m left alone at the table with my emotions to keep me in check. With the words she’s just confessed to reel me in.
I want her, there’s no fucking doubt about that. So I push off the chair and follow her down the hallway. It’s silent and when I find the master bedroom, she’s in the kneeling position on the floor, her collar and leash in her upturned palms and her head dipped.
The soft pink panties she’s wearing are the only thing that adorn her perfect body. Her knees are perfectly spread so I can see the juncture between her thighs. With her back straight, her breasts jut out and her soft pink nipples are already hard.
Fucking perfection.
“Angel, look at me,” I command, easily falling into the role she’s allowing me, even though she doesn’t have to. Her gaze lifts and she peers at me with the same innocence that compelled me six years ago to claim her. Crouching before her, I take the collar and proceed to clip it around her neck. “You are mine. Do you understan
d me?”
“Yes, Sir.” Two words and I’m rock fucking hard.
“Good girl, now clasp those hands behind your back like I taught you. Let me see these beautiful breasts.” Her obedience is intoxicating. I rise to full height and tug on the leash, “Stand, little one.” Having her beside me like this is everything I’ve wanted since I first laid eyes on her.
With no distractions. No one to tell me I’m not allowed to love her, because I do.
“Where’s Layla?”
“At daycare. Theia will pick her up and bring her home.” I nod before pulling my phone from my pocket and scrolling to find my sister’s number.
“I’m calling her. She’ll watch Layla for a little while before bringing her home because I need to get reacquainted with you and your body.”
“Yes, Sir.” I hit call on my sister’s name, and she answers on the second ring.
“Did she throw you out already?” she giggles, and I’m ready to tell her to fuck right off, but I need a favor.
“Don’t be annoying, pup. I need you to watch my daughter for a little while longer this afternoon. I’ve got something I have to do and Angel will be indisposed.” I don’t need to elaborate because my sister knows what I mean.
“Yes, of course. Take your time. I love spending time with my niece.”
“Thank you.” Hanging up, I regard my blonde kitten again. “Now that that’s sorted, I think we need to see how well you remember me. Don’t you think, Angel?”
“I’d like that.” I round her supple form and rain down a harsh swat on her pert little ass.
“Are you already forgetting your place?” I growl in her ear, reveling in the shiver that shoots through her.
“I’d like that, Sir.” She’s demure, shy, and exquisite. This is where I’m meant to be. I lead her toward the small white stool of her dresser and let her sit.