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Covet (Forbidden Series Book 2) Page 4

  “Kael, you do realize she’s only here to dance, to make Dad money.” My brother’s words break through the worrying thoughts in my mind and I nod.

  “I know. Give me two weeks, she’ll break.” Even as I utter the words, they taste like lies on my tongue. Meeting the blue eyes of Samael Wolfe, I smirk, hoping for once my brother can’t see under the mask I fake for him.

  “Good, I reckon it will take you much longer. I say a month. Put your money where your mouth is and we’ll have some fun.”

  He leaves me at the door to my father’s office and saunters off dressed in his signature black suit. The man looks like he belongs in a boardroom rather than in this godforsaken place. Twisting the doorknob, I push into my father’s office to find him sitting behind his large desk. This room is dark and dreary, just like the man himself.

  “Ah, Kael. Come in, son.” He gestures to the chair, the same one I sat in when he told me I would start training. The day he took my life and flushed it down the drain along with my brother’s.

  “Sam said you wanted to see me?” He nods, glancing at the pages on the desk, then brings his blue eyes back to me. It’s only Sam and Theia, my younger sister, who have his eyes. Mine are dark brown tinged with black. Sometimes I wonder if he’s my father at all.

  “This new girl you’ve got, Paige Madden, I want you to make sure she’s ready for the rooms within a month,” he says, leaning back in his chair like he’s sitting on a throne. A dark king ruling over a nightmarish kingdom.

  “A month? I-I… I don’t think she’s going to be—”

  “Did I fucking ask you what you think?” he hisses, rising to full height, and placing both hands flat on the desk. His glare roots me in place. “I want her ready in a month. She’ll start dancing as soon as possible. Her father owes me big time and I think the redhead will bring in some big cash.”

  My heart thuds in my chest, threatening to break through the bone, flesh, and fall at my feet in time for him to step on it. “But, Father—”

  “If you question me, I’ll give her to Sam. Do you understand me? I’ll be keeping a close eye on you. That little whore will try to coax you, she’s a fucking temptress. Under no circumstances are you to form a bond. I don’t care if you’re my son, I’ll end you.”

  His eyes burn with a white-hot anger that threatens to burn me alive. I don’t doubt the man is capable of murdering his own flesh and blood. “One month,” I confirm, pushing up, I head to the door. I can feel the heat of his glower on my back, but I don’t turn around, I don’t show weakness.

  My father is a predator and when he smells fear, he attacks.

  Making my way back to my bedroom, I consider going to see her. I know I shouldn’t, he’s just warned me, my mind is telling me to be careful, but the need I have for her is telling me to throw caution to the wind.

  I would, but putting her in danger is not something I can allow myself to do. So, I turn and head away from the quarters where the girls live and straight for my bedroom. The sun is gone and the stars have already started to light the sky.

  Pulling out my phone, I hit dial on Theia’s number. Like I could have predicted she answers on the second ring. “Kael!”

  “Theia, I need your help with something. Please, little Wolfe.” I smile when she huffs in response to the nickname I’ve given her.

  “Anything for you, as long as you quit calling me that.” Her retort is playful, our banter has always been easy. She’s four years my junior, but sometimes I think she’s older. Having had to grow up too soon. “And if it has anything to do with your new girl, I overheard Dad asking Dax to keep an eye on her.” Her words are like ice water to my veins. If he’s got Dax on guard duty then he must know something we don’t. Or, he’s noticed my tension when he mentioned her earlier.

  “I need you to get Scarlett to help Paige. She needs to be shaven, clean.” I don’t have to explain further because my sister knows exactly what the clients want.

  A soft sigh on the other end of the line tells me she’s about as happy with this as I am. Every time we get a new girl it’s the same thing. “Okay, Kael. I’ll talk to you later.” She hangs up before I have time to thank her, but I know she’s miserable here and I don’t blame her. I hope she’ll get out. Soon.

  I settle on my bed and grab a book hoping I can read to focus my mind on anything but the beauty that’s lying in her bed alone and scared. The one I want to save. Only, I don’t know how.


  Rousing from a dream-filled sleep, I roll over to glance at the time. It’s early, the sun hasn’t even risen yet and I’ve been dreaming of a redhead. I stare for too long at the geometric patterns in the ceiling, trying to make out the way the lines come to each other in a puzzle. The dim light in the room from the full moon casts a silver glow on the darkened bedding and furnishings.

  My room is my only haven. The one place I can escape what happens in this house. It’s a new day and time for me to take my pet to play. Today she’ll learn more than what my hand feels like on her ass. I want to see her squirm in pleasure, hear her moan in delight, and taste her when she unravels. And I know just the way to do it. Heading into the bathroom, I turn on the shower and wait for it to heat until it’s scalding. Stripping off, I step under the spray and hiss at the burn on my skin.

  I grab the shower gel and lather up quickly. I want to get breakfast out of the way before the sun is up because I want to get to her room early. I want to spend the day with her. To torture her with pleasure. I’m so far gone. Shaking my head, I rinse off and shut off the taps.

  Moments later I’m dressed in a pair of ripped black jeans and a white T-shirt. My usual get up for training. Only this time, the black hoodie I regularly wear lies discarded on the bed.

  With only my mask in hand, I make my way down to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Knowing the girls wouldn’t have been fed yet, I plan on taking my new toy something. Upon reaching our humongous kitchen, I find Hesta.

  “Hello, Kael,” she offers with a friendly smile. She’s never asked about anything more than she needed to know. Turning a blind eye might be wrong, but for her it’s a matter of life and death. My father is ruthless.

  “Good morning, Hesta.” I lean in and plant a kiss on top of her head. “Has Samael come down yet?” She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. My brother loves sleeping in on the weekend.

  “You know what he’s like. What are you having today?”

  “Can you make me one breakfast and I’ll just have coffee for now.” Her brows shoot up at my request. “It’s for someone.” She nods in understanding and sets about plating up some toast and frying the eggs. There’s always food ready and waiting and this morning is no different.

  As soon as the plate is stacked, I grab a mug of coffee and fill it setting it on the tray along with the rest of the breakfast. Before I walk out of the kitchen, Hesta meets my eyes with a worried stare. “Look after her, Kael.”

  I don’t know how to respond, so I nod and make my way up to the bedroom that’s been beckoning me like a damn siren’s call all night.



  The door opens startling me awake. When I hear it click closed, I roll over and peer at the man who’s seemed to invade my mind all night. I don’t know him. I have no idea why I can’t get him off my mind, but I spent most of my night trying to figure out who he is.

  “Good morning, Paige,” he utters in that low gravelly tone. He’s either just woken up, or he’s been smoking. I doubt it’s the latter since the scent of his cologne wafts around him like an intoxicating fog.

  I don’t respond immediately. I watch him set the tray on a table against the wall opposite the bed. He doesn’t ask me to talk to him or even greet him. His body moves to the small radio on the dresser and he turns it on.

  A song filters through the room and I recognize it. “Nights Like This” by W. Darling. A small smile plays on my lips at his choice of music. “I don’t really listen to this type of music,” he
rumbles grumpily. “I figured since you’re a young girl you’d like it and it would perhaps set you at ease.”

  “How could I be at ease when I’ve been stolen? Nothing would make it okay. Don’t you understand?” As always, my words are fiery, but all he does is stare at me for a moment.

  “No, it’s not okay. But, if you’re going to act like an insolent pet then I’ll treat you like one. You need to eat to gain some strength for what I have planned today. I can’t have you passing out, Firebird.” He turns and heads for the door and for some reason, I feel bad for snapping at him. It doesn’t make sense. But I can’t help calling out to him.

  “Wait!” He stops and glances at me again. “You’ve decided to give me a name, but what do I call you?” I question.

  “You can call me Wolfe.”

  With that, I’m left alone. Wolfe. I tease the name on my lips. My father’s partner’s last name is Wolfe. His son had a mask on which resembled a wolf’s face. Are they family? Or is this part of the charade. I’ve overheard some of the girls talk about clients with masks. But if they’re all family, what does that make my Wolfe? Is he also Harlan’s son? Thoughts drift in and out as my mind plays out all the intricacies. My stomach rumbling is the only sign I have that I need to eat.

  Nothing about this makes any sense. If he is Harlan’s son, then why is he doing this? Surely my father would know if they’d taken me. Unless my father’s partner is hiding my disappearance. My heart bangs violently against my chest. That’s the only reason I can think of. The other that comes to mind is something I don’t want to entertain at all. But somehow, my intuition tells me my father may be involved. I have nothing to go on, except my gut.

  Pushing off the bed, I settle at the table and pick up the mug of coffee. His words replay in my mind. I need strength for today. A sliver of anxiety shoots through me and I pray he’s not going to hurt me badly.

  I’m dressed in a pair of black yoga pants and a white tank top when Wolfe stalks into my room twenty minutes later. “Let’s go,” he grunts, but doesn’t come near me to fasten a collar around my neck.

  Strangely, it makes me smile that he’s not treating me like a dog today. We walk in silence to the room he brought me to yesterday. The same room where he bent me over a table and touched me between my thighs.

  Last night a pretty brunette, who said her name is Scarlett, came to my room and helped me shave myself where Wolfe had touched me. It was as humiliating as I thought it would be. She was gentle and kind, and I immediately wanted to ask her more questions, but as soon as I spoke about Sam or what happens in this place she shut down.

  “Get inside,” he grunts when we stop at the open door. Stumbling into the room, I glance around and find it’s in darkness except for a few large candles. “On your knees. I want your eyes on the floor, your hands will be placed on your thighs palms up.”

  His orders come swiftly, efficiently, and I notice he’s closed off. The emotion that was there yesterday has gone, it’s been replaced with a cold exterior. Perhaps I can find it by playing by his rules.

  My mind races with thoughts of how I can make him soften toward me. If he cares, maybe he’ll free me. A plan slowly formulates in my mind as I stare at the concrete. “If you talk out of turn, I will whip you. Should you decide not to obey me, I’ll punish you. Today you’ll learn to take a whip. Tomorrow, the cane,” he informs me with a rigid grunt.

  I don’t respond.

  I don’t move.

  His footfalls near me after the door shuts with a resounding click. When his shoes appear in my line of sight, I wait. He still doesn’t touch me, but I feel his eyes. They roam my skin like a burning flame. Frowning at the emotions stirring inside me, I shut my eyes trying to will away the tingle of anticipation.

  I shouldn’t want this. But he’s eased the fear, leaving me confused. “Look at me,” he orders. I lift my eyes and meet his dark ones. “I want you to rise, without using your hands on the floor. Foot by foot.” Easily, I rise, stepping on my right foot first, then my left. “Good girl,” he coos causing my stomach to somersault.

  He lifts the collar I didn’t notice him holding and fastens it around my neck.

  “I want you kneeling on the bench, take off that top and those pants. I want you naked. And as always when we’re in here, no words. You obey me. And you’ll be rewarded.” Shock has my mouth falling open, but I’m not sure how badly he’ll hurt me if I speak, so with my eyes brimming with unshed tears, I make quick work of undressing. I head over to the leather bench. There are three parts to it. Allowing my torso to comfortably rest on the center panel with my legs and arms on either side. Without speaking, he fastens my ankles, then my wrists.

  His touch is firm, yet gentle. It’s warm, yet icy cold. When silence falls once more, I can’t help the dread weighing heavily in my gut. Then I hear a swish. The sound is so gentle, but I know the sting will be harsh.

  “Remember to be silent, little one.” Before I have time to acknowledge him the leather bites into the skin of my ass causing me to whimper. “I told you to be quiet. It’s difficult, but you’ll learn.” His anger silences me immediately. Another swish, another sting, it continues until tears are streaming down my cheeks.

  It’s silent when the lashes finally stop. My body’s vibrating in agony, yet my mind feels as if I’m looking down on myself. Like I’m having an out of body experience. The cuffs fall away from my wrists and ankles. Suddenly cold liquid trickles over my inflamed skin.

  His hands rough, his touch gentle as he rubs the soothing balm over my ass. “You’ll be in pain for a day, tomorrow our training will start later so you have time to recover. I’ve been gentle with you, Firebird. Next time I won’t be able to hold back.”

  No other words are spoken as he allows me to dress. There’s a silent rage that surrounds him. I don’t know if it’s because of what he just did, or if he’s angry with me. When I glance at him, I notice his gaze trained on the wall. His hands fist and release at his sides, then those dark orbs turn to me, pinning me with a heated stare.

  “It’s best you get used to the pain,” he murmurs then, his voice rough with emotion, only I can’t pinpoint what it is. Guilt and anguish are at the forefront, but there’s a hunger in his tone. Dropping my eyes to his jeans I notice the bulge that’s prominent behind his zipper.

  “You like hurting me?” I question, my voice soft and croaky from crying. He stares at me a moment longer before turning away.

  “It’s my job.” That’s all he utters before he escorts me back to my room, this time on my hands and knees collared like a pet. He doesn’t say goodbye, he doesn’t even look at me before leaving me on my bed alone with tears still racing down my cheeks.

  I’ll Always Covet You

  To covet the forbidden is dangerous,

  Yet, I see no threat in your eyes

  When you look in mine

  All you’ll see is love

  Dani René



  A week. I’ve been here for seven days. Each morning he comes to me, I count. And each time the door opens I can’t wait to look at him. To see his eyes, his face. The slight scruff that dusts his chin.

  “Paige,” he murmurs this morning in his gruff tone.

  “Wolfe,” I respond quietly. As usual, he leaves my breakfast on the table and turns to walk away. I think he’s leaving, but he stops at the dresser and settles in the chair. He drags his dark eyes over to me, taking me in. “Are you going to take me now?”

  The question falls from my lips before I have time to think. I’m shocked when he laughs. It’s a rumbling sound which makes me smile. I find myself wanting to hear it again as soon as it stops.

  “I don’t take, Paige. When I’m with a woman it’s because she’s begging for it.” His confidence hangs heavy in the air, but his words have jealousy swirling around in my belly. I don’t want to feel something for him, but I can’t deny I do. “Besides you don’t want me to fuck you, Firebird. Because I wo
n’t be gentle. It will hurt and you’ll cry, and you know what?” I shake my head, my mouth dry as the fucking desert because fear races through me. My mind is blank with what to say, but I don’t get a chance to respond because he answers for me. “I’ll enjoy every moment of seeing your tight little cunt opening like a flower as it swallows my cock.”

  “You have a filthy mouth,” I retort. All my life, I’ve been spoken to with respect, like I’m a prim and proper princess. Now, as this savage man who would love to inflict pleasured pain on me utters such filthy words, I find myself aching for him to show me exactly what he means. He doesn’t know he’s playing right into my hands. The only way I’ll get out of here is to make the monster feel.

  “And you have a feisty little mouth. One that I’d like to shove my cock down and watch as you swallow it,” he taunts. His voice is low, gravely, and I know he’s as turned on as I am.

  “Then why don’t you show me?” He rises from the chair, stalks toward me on the bed, and leans in. Hot breath with the scent of coffee whispers over my face. Lifting my chin, I meet his intense stare. He grips my chin between his thumb and index finger.

  His mouth is so close to mine, if I moved an inch, I’d be able to taste him, to feel his lips mold to mine. But I don’t. I wait. His tongue darts out, licking the seam of my lips. A deep rumble vibrates in his chest. He grips my hair at the nape of my neck and tugs me impossibly closer, as if he’s trying to climb inside me. “You taste so sweet, little one,” he murmurs almost reverently.

  “Do I get to taste you, Sir?” I breathe the word, which has his smirk returning full force, and I can’t help smiling. His eyes flit between my lips and my eyes. But when they settle on my deep green pools, he nods.